Ends in 2 months

February 6

May 29

Natural Language Processing course (stream 8, spring 2025)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a domain of research whose objective is to analyze and understand human languages and develop technologies to enable human machine interactions with natural languages. NLP is an interdisciplinary field involving linguistics, computer sciences and artificial intelligence. The goal of this course is to provide students with comprehensive knowledge of NLP. Students will be equiped with the principles and theories of NLP, as well as various NLP technologies, including rule-based, statistical and neural network ones. After this course, students will be able to conduct NLP research and develop state-of-the-art NLP systems.


Valentin Malykh (personal page)

Lectures at 18:40 MSK at Thursdays online. First lecture will be at 6th of February

Link to join lectures: https://my.mts-link.ru/j/MTC/nlp2025spring 

Seminars will be separate for universities and for ODS. Look info regarding schedule in the chat.

Official support chat: https://mm.ods.ai/ods/channels/nlp_course 


  • Introduction to Natural Language Processing
  • Machine Learning Basics and Text Classification
  • Word Embeddings
    • 1st Assignment
  • Convolutional Neural Networks
    • 2nd Assignment
  • Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Statistical Machine Translation
  • Transformers
  • LLMs
  • ...additional topics


  • Basic Python Programming
  • College Calculus, Linear Algebra
  • Basic Probability and Statistics
  • Foundations of Machine Learning


  There will be two assignments on the course.

The participants will be suggested to work on a project during the course. The successful project development is crucial to pass the course.
The projects from previous runs are available here.

Track program

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