Ended 4 years ago
17 participants

Документация (link)

Мы отобрали статьи на английском языке:

Simple intent recognition and question answering with DeepPavlov link
Open-domain question answering with DeepPavlov link
The BERT-based text classification models of DeepPavlov link
19 entities for 104 languages: A new era of NER with the DeepPavlov multilingual BERT link
Build AIML chatbot with DeepPavlov Spelling Corrector link
BERT-based Cross-Lingual Question Answering with DeepPavlov link
Developing QA Systems for any Language with DeepPavlov link

А тут - на русском:

DeepPavlov для разработчиков: #1 инструменты NLP и создания чат-ботов link
DeepPavlov для разработчиков: #2 настройка и деплоймент link

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