Finding correlation between tweets and future stock prices using ML/NLP approaches [this is a graduation project of the course "Natural Language Processing course, stream 3, autumn 2022"]
This project is devoted to the study of the relationship between publications in social networks and the corresponding stock prices.
All code is open-source, here is the link to GitHub:
At the first stage of the project, the original dataset from the article [Jaggi M. at al., 2021] was taken for work. It contains 6.4 million tweets for 25 stocks.
After examining the dataset a number of issues had been found and fixed:
After loading the dataset, it is divided into train and test sets in a ratio of 0.85 to 0.15. To check the stability and variability of each model, the split is carried out several times with a different seed value. Each partition is tested independently of the others.
Of all the dataset fields, only one is used - the preprocessed message text, the rest of the features (date, time, author, etc.) are intentionally not used in the pipeline of this work to avoid distortion in the search for the correlation of the entities under study.
To estimate model quality, we used the Accuracy metric. As the dataset is perfectly balanced, this metric is very intuitive, as the value 0.5 corresponds to random noise.
After training and saving all the models, an ensemble of models is created to evaluate the cross-correlation of the models and obtain the final maximum achievable accuracy value.
Below is a final table and graph with results of individual models and their ensembles.
Model Type | Accuracy | Model File Size | Comments |
Baseline (Random Guess) | 0.500 +- 0.003 | - | It’s not an actual model (DummyClassifier with strategy="uniform") |
Transformer (Roberta) | 0.545 +- 0.002 | 350 MB | Roberta and DistilRoberta had the same accuracy in our experiments |
GBDT (Catboost) | 0.560 +- 0.003 | 5 MB | Model details: CatBoostClassifier n_estimators=300, max_depth = 8 |
Naive Bayes | 0.568 +- 0.002 | 58 MB + 49 MB | Model details: MultinomialNB on TF-IDF features for word n-grams with length from 1 to 3, alpha = 0.1 |
Boxplot graphs for pairwise and triple ensembles.
(BL - baseline model (random uniform), CB - CatBoost model
NB - Naive Bayes model, TR - Transformer model)
The results turned out to be promising - despite the complexity of the subject area (predicting future price behavior), we managed to get statistically significant accuracy values (0.582) with a random baseline of 0.500 + -0.003. A separate interesting conclusion was that the size and algorithmic complexity of machine learning models do not always determine the result of their application in each specific case, requiring researchers to conduct more versatile experiments at the modeling stage.
Possible next steps:
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