Founded 6 years ago

The open-source project engaged in the search & rescue for missing peo

Lacmus Foundation

Lacmus is a cross-platform software, which realize human detection on photos from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

We are made automation of task to search the humans on set of photos from UAV.

We analyze photos from UAV using Neural Networks, Deep Learning & Computer Vision to find people, who are lost in the wild forest.

This technology helps Search & Rescue Services to find lost people in short time.

Increasing chances to resque a lost person.

Lacmus app should be installed on drone operator's notebooks to process a set of photos, downloaded from UAV after flight above people Search & Rescue region.

Also we are working about building pipeline, which will help us to enlarge our dataset by using a number of photos from different Search & Rescue drone operators from different regions.

Habr article [RU]:

Datafest-2019 speech [RU]:


Telegram  (Easy Way to Join Us) :

We are waiting for ML researchers, backend/frontend developers and others with expertize in Computer Vision & Deep Learning

Members of our foundation:

gosha20777, kseniia, ei-grad, balezz, sergey_vakhreev, stasy, appetito, wanteich, Rumata, Palladdiumm, Silkindm, sergsh, sharov_am, nvsit, zvasil

BBoxed people on photo from UAV

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