Ended 2 years ago
The first ODS meetup in Berlin🎉
This is first of the planned series of the events related to modern ML&DS approaches. The meetup is dedicated to advanced methods in machine learning and applied science. We want to enable participants to dive into state-of-the-art concepts in ML as well as other related fields. Even though the talks are about complicated topics we would make our best to make it easy to grasp and would like to spark discussions during networking time.
Expected timeline:
18:45 - Get together
19:00 - Event introduction
19:05 - Dmitry Mittov - MLops and it's maturity levels
19:45 - Break
20:05 - Natalia Pavlovskaia - Explanation of the Forward-Forward algorithm
20:45 - Networking
22:00 - Building is closed
Valeska-Gert-Straße 5 · Berlin
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